[bull-ia] PhD in Human-machine interactions: « Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Dialogue »

PhD in Human-machine interactions: « Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Dialogue »


We are looking for a PhD student, interested in novel technologies and in their evolution, to work on Hierarchical Imitation Learning for Dialogue systems.

The goal is to study imitation learning to allow virtual agents to learn to communicate by imitating humans.


The candidate will join the NADIA (Natural Dialogue Interaction) team and will also work in collaboration with PROF (PROFiling and datamining) team at Orange-Labs,

the R&D division of Orange at Lannion, Brittany (a charming city next to the sea: http://www.bretagne-cotedegranitrose.com/, https://www.lannion.bzh/).

For her/his diploma, the PhD student will be registered at Avignon University, with LIA (Laboratoire d’Informatique d’Avignon).


The candidate must hold a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering or any related field, with a high mathematical level (optimisation, statistics and probability theory).

She/he should be able to work in multidisciplinary projects, collaborating with others while being able to work autonomously on her/his own tasks.


Good programming skills are absolutely necessary.  Experience in Machine Learning, reinforcement learning and AI is desired,

as well as mastering Deep-Learning tools such as Torch, pyTorch, TensorFlow or Keras.

Fluent English is required, while knowledge of French is not mandatory.


To apply submit your cv and cover letter to Orange-Jobs:  https://orange.jobs/jobs/offer.do?joid=81711&lang=fr


For further information please contact Dr. Lina Rojas (linamaria.rojasbarahona@orange.com)



Lina Rojas

Senior Research Engineer/Ingénieure de recherche senior AI&Dialogue
tél. +33 (0)2 96 07 04 10



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