[bull-ia] Séminaire GDR IA de Meghyn Bienvenu: 19 janvier

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*** merci de diffuser largement cette =
annonce ***

Chers coll=C3=A8gues,

Le prochain s=C3=A9minaire mensuel du GDR IA, dont vous tr=
les d=C3=A9tails ci-dessous, sera donn=C3=A9 par Megh=
yn Bienvenu
(https://www.labri.fr/perso/meghyn/). Pour rappel, le but de c=
expos=C3=A9s est de
mettre en lumi=C3=A8re, =
au sein d’un expos=C3=A9
accessible =C3=A0 la plus grande par=
tie de la communaut=C3=A9, les domaines
vari=C3=A9s couverts =
par le GDR et ses activit=C3=A9s.

Lien vers la=
salle virtuelle: https://utc-fr.zoom.us/j/89051992294

Les informations sur les s=C3=A9minaires se trouvent sur la page du GDR =

Date: le 19/1 =
=C3=A0 11h

Titre: Ontology-Mediated Query Answ=
ering: Using Rules and Reasoning to
Get More from Data

R=C3=A9sum=C3=A9: "Ontology-mediated query answ=
ering (OMQA) is a promising
approach to data access and integ=
ration that has been extensively
studied by the knowledge rep=
resentation & reasoning and database
communities. Ontolog=
ies are used to enrich and unify the vocabulary of
data sourc=
es, allowing users to formulate their queries in a more
iar vocabulary which abstracts from the specific way data is
stored, and to specify domain knowledge, which can be exploited by
reasoning algorithms to infer implicit information and return morecomplete query results. While the addition of an ontology bring=
significant benefits, it also renders the query answering t=
ask more
computationally involved. This has led both to theor=
etical studies
aimed at understanding the complexity of OMQA =
for a range of ontology
and query languages, as well as the d=
evelopment of new algorithmic
techniques. The aim of this tal=
k will be to provide a gentle
introduction to OMQA, while als=
o highlighting some recent results and
research directions.&q=

Nous tenons =C3=A0 remercier tous les GT =
qui nous ont fait remonter des
propositions de s=C3=A9minaire=
s, et tous les GT qui le feront.

Au plaisir de=
vous "voir" bient=C3=B4t.

Nicolas e=
t S=C3=A9bastien (D.)

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