Fifteenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative
Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty
September 18-20, 2019
Belgrade (Serbia)
Invited Speakers:
Fabio Gagliardi Cozman, University of Sao Paulo
Lluís Godo, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA), CSIC
Francesca Toni, Imperial College London
The biennial ECSQARU conferences constitute a major forum for advances
in the theory and practice of reasoning under uncertainty,
with a focus on bringing symbolic and quantitative aspects together.
Contributions come from researchers interested in advancing the
scientific knowledge and from practitioners using uncertainty
techniques in real-world applications. The scope of the ECSQARU
conferences encompasses fundamental issues, representation, inference,
learning, and decision making in qualitative and numeric uncertainty
Previous ECSQARU events have been held in Marseille (1991), Granada
(1993), Fribourg (1995), Bonn (1997), London (1999), Toulouse (2001),
Aalborg (2003), Barcelona (2005), Hammamet (2007), Verona (2009),
Belfast (2011), Utrecht (2013), Compiègne (2015), and Lugano (2017).
::: SCOPE :::
For ECSQARU 2019 we invite submissions of original papers on topics
which include but are not limited to:
– Algorithms for uncertain inference
– Applications of uncertain systems
– Argumentation systems
– Automated planning and acting under uncertainty
– Belief functions
– Belief change & merging
– Classification & clustering
– Decision theory & decision graphs
– Default reasoning
– Description logics with uncertainty
– Foundations of reasoning under uncertainty
– Fuzzy sets & fuzzy logic
– Game theory
– Hybrid reasoning
– Imprecise probabilities
– Inconsistency handling
– Information fusion – Learning for uncertainty formalisms
– Learning for uncertainty formalisms
– Logics for reasoning under uncertainty
– Markov decision processes
– Possibility theory & possibilistic logic
– Preferences
– Probabilistic graphical models
– Probabilistic logics
– Qualitative uncertainty models
– Rough sets
– Uncertainty & data
In accordance with the previous conferences, the proceedings of
ECSQARU 2019 will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence series. In addition to that, extended versions
of selected papers will be published in a special issue of the
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
Authors are requested to prepare their conference papers in the
LNCS/LNAI format.
Submitted papers must be original and not under review in a journal
or another venue with formally published proceedings. They will be evaluated
by peer reviews based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and
clarity of exposition. Reviewing will be double-blind, so names of authors
and affiliations must be omitted from the paper. Authors of accepted papers
are expected to attend the conference to present their work, at least one author
of each paper must register for the conference.
Submitted papers must be at most 10 pages (excluding references) in the
Springer LNCS/LNAI format. Submissions will be through EasyChair:
May 3, 2019: Abstract submission deadline
May 10, 2019: Paper submission deadline
June 11, 2019: Author notification
Sept 18-20, 2019: ECSQARU 2019
Gabriele Kern-Isberner
Department of Computer Science
TU Dortmund, Germany
Zoran Ognjanović (also Local Organization)
Mathematical Institute SANU
Belgrade, Serbia (ex: Serbia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia)
Program Committee:
Leila Amgoud, IRIT, France
Alessandro Antonucci, IDSIA, Switzerland
Ringo Baumann, Leipzig University, Germany
Christoph Beierle, University of Hagen, Germany
Vaishak Belle, University of Edinburgh, UK
Concha Bielza, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Isabelle Bloch, ENST-LTCI, France
Guy van den Broeck, University of California, US
Giovanni Casini, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Laurence Cholvy, ONERA-Toulouse, France
Giulianella Coletti, Univesity of Perugia, Italy
Ines Couso, University of Oviedo, Spain
Fabio G. Cozman, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Fabio Cuzzolin, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Luis (M.) De Campos, University of Granada, Spain
Thierry Deneoux, University of Technology of Compiegne, France
Sebastien Destercke, University of Technology of Compiegne, France
Dragan Doder, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr, IRIT, France
Zied Elouedi, Institut Superieur de Gestion de Tunis, Tunisia
Patricia Everaere, University of Lille 1, France
Alessandro Facchini, IDSIA, Switzerland
Eduardo Ferme, University of Madeira, Spain
Tommaso Flaminio, IIIA – CSIC, Spain
Laurent Garcia, University of Angers, France
Laura Giordano, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Lluis Godo, Spanish National Research Council, Spain
Anthony Hunter, University College London, UK
Nebojsa Ikodinovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Souhila Kaci, LIRMM, France
Sebastien Konieczny, CRIL, France
Jerome Lang, LAMSADE, France
Florence Le Ber, ENGEES, France
Philippe Leray, University of Nantes, France
Peter Lucas, Radboud University, Netherlands
Carsten Lutz, University of Bremen, Germany
Francesca Mangili, IDSIA, Switzerland
Choh Man Teng, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, US
Pierre Marquis, University of Artois, France
Maria Vanina Martinez, University of Oxford, UK
David Mercier, University of Artois, France
Thomas Meyer, University of Cape Town and CAIR, South Africa
Enrique Miranda, University of Oviedo, Spain
Serafin Moral, University of Granada, Spain
Farid Nouioua, LSIS, France
Odile Papini, LSIS UMR CNRS, France
Davide Petturiti, University of Perugia, Italy
Nico Potyka, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
Henri Prade, IRIT, France
Silja Renooij, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Guillermo Simari, Universidad del Sur in Bahia Blanca, Argentina
Karim Tabia, CRIL, France
Rafael Testa, Unicamp, Brazil
Matthias Thimm, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Matthias Troffaes, Durham University, UK
Linda Van der Gaag, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Leon van der Torre, University of Luxembourg,
Ivan Varzinczak, University of Artois and CNRS, France
Srdjan Vesic(CNRS-CRIL, France)
Jirka Vomlel, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Renata Wassermann, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Stefan Woltran, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Eric Würbel, LSIS/INCA, France
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