[bull-ia] ICCL Summer school 2017

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The summer school « Bridging the Gap between Human and Automated Reasoning » is a platform for knowledge transfer within
the rapidly increasing research communities in the field of « Computational Logic », i.e. logic based Artificial Intelligence,
and « Human Reasoning », i.e. Cognitive Science. We will offer introductory courses covering the fundamentals of cognitive
science, logic and reasoning, courses at advanced levels, as well as applied courses and workshops dedicated to specialized
topics and the state of the art. Among others, the lecturers will be Niki Pfeifer, Marco Ragni, Steffen Hölldobler, Uwe Scheffler,
Sarah Gaggl, Ulrich Furbach and Emmanuelle-Anna Dietz Saldanha.

Furthermore, there will be a social program, which includes a Dresden city tour, an excursion to Pirna and to the saxon switzerland,
a visit to the green vault in the Dresden Royal Palace and a gala dinner.

Note that the 10. ICCL summer school has won the Dresden Congress Award in 2016 – for the activities in 2015 and 2014.

You can find more information about the summer school here:


and register here:


with best regards,
Steffen Hölldobler

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