LIRMM (University of Montpellier) and ONERA (the French Aerospace Lab) want to recruit a researcher to work on the enhancement ofdecision and dependability methods for mobile robots in harsh environments.
The main goal of this work is to enhance the fault tolerance and autonomy capacities of mobile robots in complex environment for complex mission, for example underwater or aerial robots. To become autonomous in such environments, the robot must have advanced decisional skills to manage all the possible execution of the mission, and fault tolerance mechanisms to react to unforeseen events that could occurs during the mission.
LIRMM and Onera already have mobile (aerial, terrestrial and underwater) robotic platforms. One of the main task of this post-doctoral fellowship is to implement fault tolerant and decision mechanisms into these platforms.
REQUIRED PROFILE: The candidate must have a PhD degree in robotics or in computer science. It must be skilled in program writing (C++), preferably with experience in embedded programming, and in operating system (Linux). Skills in the domains of formal methods, discrete events systems, software engineering would be appreciated.
NET SALARY for the first year (sept/oct 2019 – aug/sept 2020): 2248€/month
LOCATION for the first year: LIRMM Lab, MONTPELLIER
APPLICATION: Send a CV, a letter of motivation and your PhD manuscript. The pre-selection phase will be based on these documents, then the final selection will be done with interview(s).
CONTACTS: Karen Godary-Dejean (
See attached file for more details