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on « Preferences, Decisions and Games »
June 25-28, 2019, LIP6, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Purpose and Intended Audience
The purpose of the Summer School is to bring together PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and
researchers interested in mathematical and computational aspects of preference modeling, decision making
and game theory. We expect participants with different backgrounds (Operations Research, Artificial
Intelligence, Economics). During 4 days, the instructional program will involve two types of activities:
lectures given by prominent scientists and workshops during which participants to the school will have the
opportunity to present their research and exchange ideas.
Denis Bouyssou (CNRS, Paris Dauphine University): Preference Modeling.
Matthias Ehrgott (Lancaster University): Multiobjective Combinatorial Optimization.
Jürgen Eichberger (University of Heidelberg): Decision Under Uncertainty and Risk.
Michel Grabisch (Paris 1 University): Preference Aggregation with Interacting Criteria.
Eyke Hüllermeier (Paderborn University): Preference Learning and Recommendation.
Christophe Labreuche (Thalès Research and Technology): Multicriteria Decision Making in practice.
Jérôme Lang (CNRS, Paris Dauphine University): Computational Social Choice.
Patrice Perny (Sorbonne University): Preference-based Optimization.
Agnieszka Rusinowska (CNRS, CES, Paris School of Economics): Opinion Dynamics in Networks.
Philippe Solal (Jean Monnet University): Game Theory.
Stéphane Zuber (CNRS, CES, Paris School of Economics): Inequality Measurement.
The school will be held at Sorbonne University in the center of Paris and is supported by the CNRS (Ecole thematique du CNRS) and by GDR RO (French national group in Operational Research) and LIP6 lab. Information on the organisation, application procedure and fees are given on https://decisionschool.lip6.fr/
Important Dates :
Dealine for application : April 30th, 2019.
Notification of acceptance: May 15th, 2019.
Contact: patrice.perny@lip6.fr | denis.bouyssou@dauphine.fr | michel.grabisch@univ-paris1.fr