[bull-ia] two postdoc positions on distributed planning and active perception

Two postdoc position in the Coordination of semi-autonomous systems and distributed active perception are now available in the Lab GREYC (Group of Research on Computer sciences, Automatics and Electronics of Caen) at the university of Caen Basse-Normandie, Caen, Normandy, France. In order to apply for the open positions or for any further required information, please contact Pr Abdel-Illah Mouaddib at , abdel-illah.mouaddib at unicaen.fr

Position 1
Post-doc Description : Coordination of semi-autonomous systems
The successful candidate will be involved in theoretic/applied Research Projects based on Robots in interaction with operators to change their behavior in a coordinated way with the other operators and robots.

The challenges are how an operator can share the control with the robots ? and how different robots interacting with different operators can coordinate their behavior ? To consider these challenges, the candidate should propose a new decision-theoretic model considering a distributed mixed-initiave decision model.

Position 2
Post-doc Description : Distributed active perception
The successful candidate will be involved in theoretic/applied Research Projects based on heterogeneous sensor gathering information and should evaluate the situation and recognize some important features like human activities. This project will be based on fixed cameras and cameras onboard mobile robots to acquire informations, analyze them, fuse them  to analyze the situation. The problem consists in developing distributed Bayesian and probabilistic reasoning to fuse different local believes coming from different mobile to construct a global view and believes on the situation. The work consists in developing real-time algorithms using Bayesian inference techniques and information theory to assess the accuracy of believes and propose the acquirement of new information to better understand the situation.

The two post-doc positions  will be carried out in the context of a national project supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the department of Defense (DGA) and a CHIST-ERA project.

Group Description:

The research will be carried out at MAD (Model, Agent and Decision,) division of GREYC (a CNRS Lab of the University of Caen). The division focuses on research questions related to decision-tehoretic planning under uncertainty, game-theoretic approaches, reasoning and modeling in multiagent systems applied to robotics. Our group is involved in many projets and has many national and international projects. Actually, the group is involved in 5 national projects and 1 european project.
More than 20 people : 3 professors, 6 assistant-professors, 12 fellow researchers (among which 11 PhD Candidate, 2 post-docs) are in our group.

The positions are open to candidates with PhD in Artificial Intelligence , Robotics, Computer Science, Image processing. The background on decision-tehoretic and game-theoretic techniques, distributed probabilistic reasoning, image processing, and robotics  and sensor fusion will be appreciated.  ROS knowledge will be a surplus

Required language:
English, French is a surplus.

Contract specifications:
The open positions are a 1 to 2-year research post doc fellowship with competitive salaries.

Expected starting date : September 2016

Deadline of applications : 25 Juillet.