[bull-ia] WS Machine Learning, Explainability – 8 Octobre – Orléans


Workshop on Machine Learning and Explainability


8 October 2018

Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans, France


The ability to understand the meaning and properties of results produced by ML-based tools, in other words the explainability becomes crucial both for ethical purposes and to allow their use in operational conditions. The main objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers working on the topic of explicability and interpretability for Machine Learning. It will present some contributions to the field and allow to discuss new challenges in this domain.

The list of presentations is available on the web site.

Important dates

  • Registration – before October 2, 2018. The registration is free but mandatory for organizations reasons. Lunch is not included in the registration but there are many restaurants not far fromHotel Dupanloup.


Scientific Committee

  • Christel Vrain, University of Orléans
  • Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Sorbonne University
  • Christophe Denis, EDF R&D andSorbonne University
  • Florence d’Alché-Buc, Télécom Paris tech


Invited speakers  

  • Pr, Stephen Mugggleton, Imperial College, London
  • Pr Jean-Daniel Zucker, Sorbonne Université, IRD, UMMISCO


This workshop is supported by